Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

WIOA is landmark legislation that is designed to strengthen and improve our nation’s public workforce system and help get Americans, including youth and those with significant barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers and help employers hire and retain skilled workers. Source: U.S. Department of Labor

Introduction to WIOA Resources

Promoting Title II Adult Basic Education

This tri-fold brochure can be used to inform partners of the need for adult education services, the types of services available, and examples of how adult education providers and partners can work together. The back panel should be customized with your agency’s contact information. The brochure is designed to be printed in color, but can also be printed in black and white.

This infographic and the screen reader text only brochure provide a statewide view of Title II Adult Basic Education services in Pennsylvania.

2024-2028 PA WIOA Combined State Plan

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires the governor of each state to submit a four-year unified or combined state plan outlining the state’s workforce development strategy. Pennsylvania’s Combined State Plan includes the six WIOA Core programs: (Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Wagner-Peyser, Adult Basic Education, and Vocational Rehabilitation), as well as optional programs (PA Department of Labor and Industry, 2024).  The PDF version of the plan is posted on the PA Department of Labor and Industry website.

Pennsylvania Workforce Development Areas Industry Sectors

The PA Workforce Development Areas Industry Sector Focus document provides a listing of industry sectors that are the focus of Pennsylvania’s workforce development areas’ local plans. Programs can use this resource to link to the local plans and support ongoing planning with workforce development partners. 

WIOA Support Websites

  • WorkforceGPS
    WorkforceGPS is your online technical assistance website created to help build the capacity of America’s public workforce investment system. Sponsored by the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor, WorkforceGPS was developed specifically for workforce professionals, educators, and business leaders. Here you will find curated communities of interest, useful webinars and other training resources, promising workforce development practices, and relevant evidence-based research – giving you the tools you need to help you create innovative approaches to improve the employment prospects of job seekers. We invite you to come and engage with your peers by joining WorkforceGPS today.
  • PA CareerLink®
    PA CareerLink® is part of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry’s initiative to transform the landscape of how job-seekers find family-sustaining jobs and how employers find the skilled candidates that they need. Through this initiative, a user-friendly, premiere job-matching system has been created to help bridge the gap that currently exists between job-seekers and employers.
  • National Skills Coalition
    This website provides resources and information related to high-quality skills training and is focused on supporting the urgent need for an inclusive, skilled workforce.
  • Career Pathway Exchange
    This is a free information service that consolidates and distributes career pathways-related resources, events, and information from Federal and State agencies and partner organizations. The Exchange streamlines information from multiple outlets to facilitate a deeper national dialogue on career pathways systems development and implementation.
  • CLASP Publication 
    This summary of key provisions focuses on opportunities to improve services in Title I and Title II WIOA core programs.
  • Workforce Staff Training
    This portal is a pilot project established to provide on-demand training for workforce development staff in Pennsylvania. The short online modules were developed by Pennsylvania workforce development system staff. The trainings include best practices shared by these experienced staff.